Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Last weekend I was home alone with the kid again (only one) and opted to interact with the child rather than stick him in a pack-n-play and work around him. I did get in a few hours though sunday afternoon.

Now that the wall is completed, the ground leveled and compacted, I started thinking about the logistics to lay the pavers. How would I lay the sand, then place all of the pavers in the area without disturbing the sand I just put down?

The method (ok, pretty obvious) came in a flood of google results - lay the pavers from the paver-side not from the sand side. So, once all the sand is down, you start putting pavers down and kneel on the pavers you just laid to keep working down the walkway.

Well, I had decided already that it will be much easier to get things right if I put the pavers down from back to front (largely because of the shape of the walkway). BUT therein lies the rub. If you remember my earlier pictures, all the the pavers are in the FRONT of the house. If I'm going to be laying pavers from the back to the front that means I need to move all of the pavers (two pallets) from the front of the house to the back.

So, Sunday evening was spent turning this:

into this:


"How terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise" -- Tereisias (...or Robert De Niro depending on your perspective)

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